Audi works on its commitment to making its vehicle fleet CO2-neutral by 2050

Energy transition through bidirectional charging technology
Audi has committed to becoming more energy-efficient and CO2-neutral by 2050 though the Paris Agreement. To learn more about this commitment and what it entails, keep reading.
A brief summary of Audi’s commitment
The brand has come up with four “rings” of how it will achieve the status of CO2-neutral by 2050. In the first half of this year, the company was able to use renewable energies for up to 50% of its German electricity mix. The only downfall of this model was the inconsistent generation of electricity through wind and solar power.
Flexible energy storage unit
Since the company understands the difficulties of sustaining renewable energies, the engineers have designed a high-voltage battery that is not only charged through a wall box at home but has the ability to supply energy back into the home. If the vehicle owners have a photovoltaic (PV) system, the electric car could serve as a temporary storage medium.
PV electricity
Using this flexibility energy storage, engineers are looking into the future and how the PV system could save consumers money in the long run. In the event of a blackout, the system could potentially power the house will the supply of energy or even operate a building without a grid connection.
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